GALLERY 303, 2000

Montreal, Canada

photo of chair in gallery

Beginning of the exhibition: the space is almost completely empty. I sit and observe the movement of the public through the space.

Week 2:

The space becomes a site of construction (and destruction), plastic hangs from the ceiling, plaster is torn from the walls to uncover the surface beyond, and numerous other markings appear in the space.

plastic and paper hanging in the air

Week 3-5:

Gradually, the space is filled with more and more obstacles. Rips and tears in the plastic are regularly repaired. Long strands of elastic bands stretch from wall to wall, ready to snap at any moment. Some visitors enter the gallery space, but reluctantly. Many simply stand in the doorway, observing everything from a safe distance.

End of exhibition:

The space is almost impossible to cross through, elastic bands are interspersed with tape as they stretch from one wall to another, vaseline and chocolate syrop is smeared throughout the space.

This separates parts.


The gallery functions as a transitional space between the hallway and the office at the back. I observe and respond to the movement of the public through the space. I create a kind of 'spider web' in an attempt to slow down their movement. I hang plastic from the ceiling, use symbols such as arrows to create detours. With time, these markings fade and the plastic begins to rip or fall to the floor. In my effort to assert control, I put up more obstacles. I smear Vaseline and chocolate all over the space. They mark those that enter.